Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 2 recap

Today started out great!

Had a great loss and tons of energy all day long... awesome!

Before I started HCG I was a frequent gym member so for the rest of April, I kept my gym membership but then froze my account till August.  Well I still had one personal trainer session left today and what can I say.. I don't recommend workingout while doing P2.  I know that's a given, but I couldn't cancel it and I wanted to start the drops ASAP since I have a lot going on this summer - socially.  Trips especially.  So getting back to my point, I got through the entire workout with my trainer but everything was so sloppy! Form and execution and even my trainer asked what's up. I just told him I was really tired and had no energy today since he wouldn't approve of the HCG diet.  Anyway, got home, had a late dinner and I'm ready to crash out... and it's only 8:15!

Well since I knew I had my session today, I upped my protein for lunch and dinner by 50% so hope that doesn't totally screw with the scale. I figured with my 60 minute intense weight/plyo workout plus the 30 minute walk home from the gym, my body really needed a little more cals today.

Can't wait to see what the scale says tomorrow.

1 comment:

Meli said...

I agree, follow the Dr. S protocol and don't work out. It makes you hungry AND you can't tell what's water weight from muscle repair or fat loss/gain. Dr. S says no exercising. Also your muscles are going to lack some vitamins it needs to repair and your muscles will start to be weak. You can end up injuring yourself. IF you can avoid it, do.